Friday, March 13, 2009

It Pays to Check the Blog Roll, People

Seth Myers: This week, some members of the Republican National Committee began calling for Michael Steele to resign. Steele has concerned members of the RNC with some of his impulsive comments. Here to explain is Michael Steele.

Michael Steele: Whoa! Well! Hahaha! Ho! What's up, Seth? Great to be here. This place is off the hook! Republicans can I get a whut-whut?

Seth Myers: Well, it's good to see you. Now, this past week, you went on CNN and called Rush Limbaugh “incendiary,” but then, you turned around and immediately apologized. Is that right?

Michael Steele: Oh, yes. It's all good. Rush and I had a great meeting on Monday, and we squashed that beef. And we both agree what's going to bring people back to the Republican Party is an off-the-hook marketing campaign. Holler!



I mean, issues. We've got to control all this government spending, Seth.

Seth Myers: Wha… I'm sorry. Hold on. If I could go back, what just happened, there?

Michael Steele: What?

Seth Myers: There… There's something on your head.

Michael Steele: What? This? [Turning to show his embedded electric shock receiver.]

Seth Myers: Yes.

Michael Steele: Ah, that's just the electrode the Rush Limbaugh people put in there.

Seth Myers: The Rush Limbaugh people put an electrode in your head? That's crazy. What… Why would you let them do that?

Michael Steele: Seth, it's all good. They're harmless. I mean, Rush Limbaugh is just an entertainer.


A great entertainer.


A beacon of truth and light in times of uncertainty.

Seth Myers: I-I see. After this meeting with Rush, are you still after Hip Hop kids?

Michael Steele: Oh, no doubt. “You down with the GOP? Yeah, you know me.” I mean, the Republican Party has been controlled by older, white men for the past one hundred years…


…and there's nothing wrong with that! Right?! I mean, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. And if there's one thing I know about older, white men, they ain't never broke. Hahaha…



Seth Meyers: Well, some would say the Republican Party is a little broken right now. You lost the last two elections by big margins.

Michael Steele: That's because our message has been distorted by the drive-by media. People think we're all a bunch of intolerant fat cats. But that's not true. I mean, what we care about most is helping the poor…


…helping the poor to help themselves…


…helping these poor business owners and CEOs who are getting taxed to death. It's socialism. I mean, government spending is out of control!

Seth Myers: Well, ah, thank you very much for being here, Michael Steele.

Michael Steele: Oh, absolutely. Absolutely. Absolutely. Thank you very much.

Um, look for me tonight. I'll be on CNN, kicking it with D.L. Hughly…


…talking about issues…


…announcing my resignation.

Seth Myers: Michael Steele, everyone!

ReeNee reminded me of this skit. Thanks for the grin.


Blogger reenee said...

This is hilarious...

...and, you're welcome.

11:08 PM  

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