"Thank You, Doctor. That Was Great, but I Still Have a Headache. And Thanks to You, Now, I Also Have a Need to Cuddle"
A Swedish doctor who was fired from his job in Norway for using a controversial 'anal massage' technique to cure various kinds of pain has resurfaced in Denmark where he has been working at a psychiatric ward in a Copenhagen hospital.
Danish authorities said they were not aware that they had been dealing with 'Doctor Anal', as he has been referred to in the Danish press. . . .
Several years ago, the man was warned by Sweden's Medical Responsibility Board (HSAN) on at least three occasions, after treating an elderly woman's headaches and back pain with his method. At the time he was working in the Stockholm area. . . .
HSAN examined the research literature which the doctor used to support his use of his anal massage technique, but found that his treatment contradicted "scientific, tried and tested experience".
The man said at the time that he considered himself misunderstood.
"I have a personality disorder, or rather a syndrome, a form of Aspergers. Just like Bill Gates or Einstein, for example," he told Aftonbladet.
"I have made it impossible for myself within the healthcare sector because I behave childishly sometimes. I am different, but cleverer."
I hate to point this out, but as you are on the business end of the anus, you are not the "cleverer" person in this relationship. No, since you're doing the massaging, you are more like the anus owner's bitch, which by definition means "not-cleverer." Sorry to disabuse you of your previous belief.