Is Your Man Gay?
Nobody wants to think their significant other is playing for the other team, but anything is possible. Some men are in a committed relationship and living on the down low. Is there a chance your man might prefer the company of men? Take our telling quiz and find out if you're at risk for losing your man to the handsome guy next door. Ladies, if your man looks like the guy in that picture, you don't have to take the quiz, because the guy in that picture is—to paraphrase my Southern brothers—eat up with the gay. If that's what your guy looks like, your man is gay, too. Congratulations.
(There. I've saved you 19 unnecessary mouse clicks. You're welcome.)
Of course, if you don't take the quiz, you'll never get to read some of the funniest quiz options ever committed to pixel. For example,
Question 3 out of 19
If you pointed out a nice-looking guy to your man, he would…
Nonchalantly agree with you
Express sheer adulation for the hottie
Ignore you
Say he doesn't judge what men look like
Stare far too long at said hunk
The best part, though, is the comparison of answers. After each response, a pie chart of the responses to-date appears. It is mind-bogglingly funny. When you see some of them, you'll ask yourself, Why are women dating those troglodytes? Wouldn't she be better off with a gay man?
I think so, but that's what you would expect me to say since I scored… Well, you can probably guess where I ended up.