While Your're at It, Toss Me One of Those Deep-Fried Cupcakes. I'm Feeling a Little Peckish
What’s for dinner at the Charlotte Motor Speedway during the Coca-Cola 600 this weekend?
Deep-fried cupcakes oozing melted frosting. Funnel cakes topped with chocolate sauce and piles of chopped bacon. Vegetarian burgers on whole wheat buns.
Wait — run that last one by us again?
Yes, what goes around and around has come around to healthful. Food stands at the speedway have started carrying everything from gluten-free beer to turkey burgers and fruit cups.
You can blame — or thank — new NASCAR driver Danica Patrick, whose smiling and svelte image graces the stand that carries the veggie burger. But speedway spokesman Scott Cooper says it was time to add healthier options.
“It’s not for the majority, but there is an element that wants it,” he says. “Two years ago, we didn’t get any requests for gluten-free. Now we’re getting requests every day.”
…“Three years ago, we couldn’t give a veggie burger away,” says Levy chef Sam Carlsen. Now they’re selling 150 during a weekend event. That’s barely a drop in the fried-chicken bucket compared to the 13,500 hot dogs sold over two weekends, Cooper admits. But it’s a step forward.
And people say American has a weight program. How is that possible with nutrition-positive actions like that going on all higgledy piggledy across our great nation.
And isn't wheezing an aerobic activity? It's got to be. I mean “labored breathing“ has “labored” right there in the name. We should be barely exhaling our way to our ideal weights.
It's just weird that we're not.
What? You say that woman in the picture is holding a Pimento mac & cheese burger with a pork rind topping? Oh, now, I see.
Do they ship those?