Monday, November 28, 2011

Wait: How'd I End Up the Bad Guy in This Play?!

Don’t you just hate it when someone’s phone keeps ringing at the movie theater? And then someone tells them to shut it off and they don’t? 
You know the drill. Inevitably, an irate movie patron will try to choke the owner of the ringing phone. Then the police show up and before you know it, you missed an important plot twist in “Tower Heist.” 
Sheesh. It’s like some people just don’t have any respect for Eddie Murphy movies anymore. 
That’s how a ringing phone was finally silenced at the Majestic Bay Theatres in Ballard last week. 
KOMO News reports police were called to the theater after a series of strange events unfolded, culminating in a disgruntled patron trying to choke a man who was talking to himself and letting his phone ring during a 5 p.m. showing of “Tower Heist.”
Look, I wasn't disgruntled. He was letting his cell phone ring and talking throughout the movie. Under the circumstances, I believe I was just the right amount of gruntled.

What's sad is this whole 30-second choke-a-thon could have been avoided. Dude could have turned off his cell phone when he was asked politely. Barring that — and he did bar that — dude could have tapped out.

I mean, I'm not a monster.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

There Are Worse Forms of Child Abuse than Corporal Punishment

It's just wrong on so many levels.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Now if You'll Excuse Me, I've Got to Go Update My “Motherlover” Profile on Craig's List

Jordan, Tyler, come here. Sit down. I wanted to speak to you today about something that's been on Mommy's mind a lot lately. As you know, it's been almost two whole years since your father passed away, and we all miss him very, very much. But after a long period of mourning, I think we've finally healed enough as a family to begin moving forward with our lives. So, after giving it a lot of thought, your mother has come to the decision that she is finally ready to start fucking again.

It's time, kids. Your mother can't go on grieving forever.…

What I'm trying to say is sometimes your mother gets lonely and feels like spending some time with a person her own age. A special friend, you might say. A special friend who will tenderly lick your mother's breasts, and her clitoris, and maybe pull her hair when she asks him to. …

And please don't think that once I get a little deep dicking things won't be the same around here. You might worry that these new friends I'm inviting back to my bedroom at all hours of the night to turn me inside out will become more important to me than you. Well, let me tell you right now: Even an 18-year-old quarterback with a face like Johnny Depp's and the dong of a Clydesdale could never, ever make me forget that you are the most important things in my life. His perfect, smooth cock would still pale in comparison to you two. Even if it had a big thick throbbing head.

And no, you won't have to call this person daddy. I will, but you don't have to.
There's no good way to have this conversation. That's why I always leave it up to the mom. Learn from my experience. Help me help you.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

If You Yelled, “Obama!” You've Probably Been Watching Too Many Republican Debates. Stop.

Dale Murphy: I'm not gay. I just get dicks hard with my hands, and that one time with my mouth, and a half time with my butt… 
Understanding but Troubled Love Interest (UTLI): We haven't had sex in six months! 
Dale Murphy: That's because I don't know how to get you hard. 
UTLI: That's because I don't have a dick, Dale! 
Dale Murphy: Whose fault is that?! WHOSE FAULT IS THAT?!
Do you ever get the feeling that you're missing out on a lot of very interesting conversations by not being married?

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

“That Stinging Means It's Working”*

*That's what they said about gonorrhea, and let me tell you, “working” does not mean “Good.”

Thanks, Law Guy, for Pointing This Out to Me!

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Vodka Tampons
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical Humor & Satire BlogVideo Archive
Stephen Colbert: Now that you have a child…, I also need to share with you my wisdom as a father.

Being a parent is a sublime and beautiful adventure, filled with unexpected joys and unimaginable terrors.

I hope you've enjoyed sleeping, because as a parent, the rest of your nights will be haunted by local news stories like this:
Elizabeth Erwin (CBS NEWS): Two things that I never thought would appear in the sentence: tampons and vodka. Do I have your attention?
Stephen Colbert: Yes. Yes, you do.
Read more »

Monday, November 14, 2011

Another Alternative: Eat Shit and Die

One too many bouts of flatulence and cramping has led a Florida inmate to sue the Department of Corrections, arguing that the prison’s soy-based turkey dogs and sloppy Joes amount to cruel and unusual punishment.

Eric D. Harris, 34, who is serving a life sentence for sexual battery on a child, said the soy in his prison chow is threatening his health by endangering his thyroid and immune system.

As an inmate at the Lake Correctional Institution, near Orlando, Mr. Harris, a former paralegal, has few culinary choices. He can eat 100 grams of soy protein a day, use his own money to buy food at the commissary or eat a vegan diet, he said in the lawsuit, which was filed in state court in Tallahassee and which The Orlando Sentinel reported on this week.

Gretl Plessinger, a spokeswoman for the Florida Department of Corrections, said inmates can choose an alternative vegan meal if they do not want soy. “We have a constitutional obligation to feed them healthy, nutritious food, but we don’t have an obligation to feed them beef,” she said.

“Excessive soy can be toxic to the thyroid gland,” said Sally Fallon Morell, the president and treasurer of the Weston A. Price Foundation, a nonprofit group that advocates a diet of whole, largely unprocessed foods and food high in saturated fats, and is publicizing the lawsuit. “It can have hormonal effects.”

Yeah, we wouldn't want to affect your hormones. You might lose control and do something crazy, like sexual battery on a child.

Oh, wait, you did that when you were normal, before the state started fucking with your thyroid. My bad.

To hear that you've got to serve a life sentence with tummy troubles, … Well, my ass bleeds for you.

Of course, I mean that only figuratively. Your victim would probably have to end that turn of phrase with “literally.”

Oh, right, you did sexual battery on a child, not sexual assault, which if this source is to be believed, means you didn't do any penetrating violations of the bleed-y kind. Nope, you went right up to the sodomy abyss, and only looked in. I hope they commended you for your restraint during sentencing; I'm guessing from the life sentence, they didn't: Tough break, that.

But—as is so often the case—I digress.

Where was I, then?

Oh, yeah, I can see why you balked at eating soy and taking up a vegan diet. I had to do that for health reasons once, and it was not fun.

While you're being forced to adopt this dietary change, too, let's be candid, and admit the obvious difference. Side effects from medication forced me to adopt a soy-heavy diet; the state of Florida is forcing you to. And why? Because you couldn't keep your hands (and other parts) off our children even when we—the rest of society—politely asked you not to. (We passed a law and everything.)

If your dining choices are now limited because you couldn't not bad-touch children despite our protests, I'm sorry, but I don't really give a shit.

Yeah, I think that was my point.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

So, Pastors' Wives Don't Swallow. Good to Know

Family Feud
Steve Harvey: Megan, tell me something that you put in your mouth, but don't swallow. 
Wow.… You talk about the cat-that-ate-the-canary look. 
Megan, I'm going to ask you a question. I want you to think about this show and all the years it's aired, how many families have enjoyed this wonderful form of Christian entertainment. So find a way to give me your answer and keep it where we can all be working when you're done. 
Megan: Well, I'm a pastor's wife, but, um, I will say this out loud: There's sperm. 
You know it's up there, Steve. Everyone knew it. It's up there. We're going for the money! 
Steve: [mocking her] “We're going for the money, so that makes it all right! It doesn't matter that I'm a pastor's wife. Ticket to hell is worth $20,000.00. You know it's up there, Steve.”  
No, I don't know a damn thing is up there. What you ain't going to do is drag me into your little nasty world…
You can drag me into your nasty, little world. If knowing this ahead of time helps, I'll put up little fight.

 So, is there a line?

Friday, November 11, 2011

“Neighbor of Anus” Isn't Bad, Either

Welcome to the first episodes of Christian Phrases with Bryan Blake. My name is Bryan Blake. 
Today, I'm going to walk you through a couple of phrases you can use when you want to describe a woman's VAGINA.  
That word alone is disgusting, and when you say things like that, you allow Satan to enter your body and take control of your mouth and use such vile words. 
So, today, we're going to give you fifty-one different ways to say the word VAGINA, so you don't sound like a filthy whore with a dirty mouth.
So, let's get started: 1. PUFF PILLOW …
I like “Satan's Doorbell” for the clitoris. It just rolls off the tongue. (Sorry.)

If only I were a practicing Christian, I could have the added pleasure of feeling like a “filthy whore with a dirty mouth” after I've said it. It really sucks to be a heathen sometimes.

By the way, what whore has a clean mouth?

I Hope Her Father Doesn't See This, Either

Quote from one of the girls: “OMG can you take a photo of us showing our tits?!” 
Other girl: “OMG I hope my father doesn't see this.” 
Other girl: “OMG look at us, we look soooo hot!!! Can you tag us in it please.”
What can I tell you? We really enjoy Halloween around here.

Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Lest We Forget

Early this year, we told you about the movement to make November 11, 2011 officially Nigel Tufnel Day. 
Tufnel, of course, is a protagonist of This is Spinal Tap, beloved for his amp that goes to 11, making it, of course, “one louder.”
 And while we have fully supported this cause — which includes a dedicated tumblr page and nearly 20,000 members in a Facebook group — there's one problem.
With Friday fast approaching, no authority with the proper jurisdiction has taken the necessary steps to, in fact, declare it officially Nigel Tufnel Day. That is, until now.

Which is why, by the power invested in us by that big-bottomed spirit in the sky, we at West Coast Sound hereby declare this Friday, November 11, 2011, 11/11/11, to be Nigel Tufnel day.… 
Governments the world over, therefore, are officially required to acknowledge that their citizens are in need of that extra push over the cliff. That a life turned up to 11 is the only one any of us are interested in living. 
All employees everywhere shall be granted a paid holiday, and the laws of physics shall cease to apply. At 11:11 a.m. on this day we will all pay respects to a tiny Stonehenge, and at 11:11 p.m. we will smell the glove.

It would probably be okay to talk about bum cakes then, too, but don't let me influence you. Observe the day, celebrate the man, any way you choose — just as long as you turn it up to 11.

Is It Pizza Pthursday, Yet?

“Hello, I'm Herman Cain…. I use to be the CEO of Godfather's, a restaurant so gross, it made my children hate pizza. Now, I'm running for president, and leading in the Republican polls.

“Why? Because the Tea Party loves Crazy more than it hates blacks, and I'm crazier than a shit house rat.”

I worked for Godfather's Pizza back in the '80s, so, technically, I worked for Herman Cain once upon a time, and, yes, he harassed me while I was on the job—if we agree that by “harassed” we mean “paid me minimum wage and made me wear a hair net.” I've barely been gainfully employed since.

A Lohan Is Born

Authorities in Texas have charged a Dallas woman with forcing her 6-year-old daughter to repeatedly videotape her having group sex.
According to police records, the 24-year-old woman is charged with indecency with a child by exposure, a third-degree felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison and a $10,000 fine. The woman, who was arrested Saturday, was in jail Tuesday on a $50,000 bond....

The Dallas Morning News reported Tuesday the police went to the woman's apartment acting on a tip. The mother has since told police her daughter used a cellphone to videotape three separate incidents involving six men, the newspaper reported....

Marissa Gonzales, a spokeswoman for the state's Child Protective Services agency, said the 6-year-old was immediately placed in foster care after her mother's arrest.

“Physically, she's fine,” Gonzales said. “Artistically, she's burned out. I think she's gone about as far as she can go with amateur porn and cell phone cinematography,” she almost certainly did not add.

“In talks, she's expressed an interest in going mainstream. We think with the right script, we could be in Sundance this time next year. So, if you've got a project and a at least a hand-cam, we'd like to talk to you.”

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

The Perfect Accompaniment to that? Bourbon, Straight from a Flask

Robert: Okay, you've got steak, mustard, mushrooms, what's this green thing?
Ian: That's a vegetable, Robert.
Well, you say that, but I don't see anything green on the ingredients list.
Seriously, what am I missing, because I'm starting to get a little peckish, and might need to make me a sandwich to get through the end of the day, till dinner?

Monday, November 07, 2011

By the Way, Every Bowel Movement at the Loman House Is Fêted in the Same Way

A leading Nigerian comic actor arrested on suspicion of ingesting drugs to smuggle to Europe was on Friday freed on bail after 25 closely monitored bowel movements produced nothing suspicious.Babatude Omidina, known by his stage name Baba Suwe, was arrested last month at Lagos's international airport where he had been due to take a flight to France.But after 24 days in detention during which his bowel movements were earnestly followed by authorities and the media, an apologetic High Court judge in Lagos ordered his release.

As far as standards of justice go—reasonable doubt, preponderance of evidence, strict scrutiny, “because I said so,” etc.—an un-askance bowel movement has got to be the most rigorous.

 Seriously, his bowel movements didn't produce anything suspicious? I can't imagine. Nothing leaves my body that isn't a little suspicious, and if it's been shat, you don't need a judge, a medical examiner, or a posse of deputies to confirm it: it's definitely shady.

True, it won't be drug-mule shady, but you wouldn't want it to babysit your kids.

I digress.

 The point is by going to the bowel standard, Nigerian opened a huge justice gap on Western civilization. The world is watching America.

Saturday, November 05, 2011

Having People Chant “Go! Go!” instead of “Go Away!” Would Be Nice, Too

I'm going down to the barbershop, and when they ask me what I'd like, I'm going to pop out my iPhone, start this video, and say, “That. When you're done, I want my hair to look like that.” It's part one of my Scarface-esque master plan: first, you get the conked 'fro; then, you get the Jimmy legs; then, you get the women. Women can't say, “No,” to the Jimmy legs. True story.

Thursday, November 03, 2011

It Looks Like Al Jolson in Black Face. (Or Is It Just Me?)

When Canadian researchers recently conducted an ultrasound to examine a growth on a patient’s testicles, they expected to look at the mass, but didn’t expect the mass to be staring back. “It was almost like art coming out of this patient’s testicles,” said Dr. Naji Touma, an assistant professor of urology at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ont. “And that was before it began singing ‘Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen.’ “I tell you, there wasn't a dry eye in the lab,” Dr. Touma in no way said.

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

“Them Sheep Ain't Nothin' But Liars, Every One of Them”

Yep, that's what the sheep look like in Washington state. Jealous?